Green Curry Soup


My favorite part of curry is lots of sauce so this creamy soup satisfies the desire to spoon curry sauce right into your mouth. The rice noodles make it filling and add to the fun of eating it! I made a bunch of this soup while pregnant (hence the bump photo) and would freeze half of every batch so I had a few bags full in the freezer for postpartum meals.

Green Curry Soup

4 cups bone broth
1 onion
1 TBSP butter
1 chicken breasts
1/4 cup green curry paste (I use half Thai Kitchen brand and half Mea Ploy brand)
4 inch stalk of lemongrass smashed
1 inch knob of galangal slivered thinly (this is thia ginger)
2 cups carrots chopped
2 small bok choy sliced into bite sized pieces (include the green leaves)
1 can coconut milk
1/2 cup thai basil leaves packed
3-4 cups bean sprouts
1/2 - 1 package of instant rice noodles (see notes)
2 tsp fish sauce
Juice from 1/2 lime


  1. In a large pot melt your butter and saute the onion for 5 minutes.

  2. Add chicken to pot and continue to saute till chicken is cooked through.

  3. Stir in curry paste and continue to stir ingredients for one minute.

  4. Add Bone broth and vegetables, galangal, and lemongrass, and simmer till veggies are tender.

  5. Add fish sauce, lime juice, and coconut milk.

  6. Ladle out a cup of broth and add to a high-powered blender with the basil leaves. Blend on high till the basil is completely broken down and you are left with a bright green liquid.

  7. Add bean sprouts and instant rice noodles and let sit for a few minutes to soften the noodles.

  8. When soup is completely done and you are ready to eat, add the blended basil broth to the pot and stir. Do not return soup to a bowl after this point.

  9. Serve warm and enjoy! Add more lime juice or fish sauce to taste!


The amount and type of rice noodles you use is completely up to your preference. You may find instant ones that take only a few minutes to soften or you may have the kind that need to be boiled like a normal noodle. Add as much or as little as you like to your soup!

When using curry paste it is not crucial to include the extra galangal and lemongrass as they are usually ingredients in curry paste but I like to boost the flavor if I have these ingredients on hand!

You can use whatever brand of curry paste that you prefer. I like the mild flavor of the Thai Kitchen brand paste but I also like to add a little Mea Ploy brand paste because it adds heat and intensity! This is completely personal preference and really whichever paste you can find will work!

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