5 Ways Nutritional Therapy Can Help You

You’ve heard of physical therapy and massage therapy but what exactly is nutritional therapy?

Great question!

Nutritional therapy uses diet and lifestyle to address imbalances in the body in order to heal the foundations of your health.

Many of today’s modern Illnesses stem from weaknesses that are a result of poor nutrition.

As a Nutritional Therapist, I help moms who are struggling with anxiety and fatigue, overcome their health issues so they can be the wife and mother their family needs.

Below are 5 ways that Nutritional Therapy can help you make progress on your health journey.

1. Nutritional therapy allows you to finally address the foundations of health

If you’ve ever been to the doctor complaining about heartburn and left with a prescription for antacids you know what it’s like to be chasing symptoms. Or maybe you went complaining about crazy hormonal mood swings and you left with a prescription for birth control. Both of these approaches help you deal with the symptoms that you are being burdened with but they don’t help to heal the root of the issues (imbalanced stomach acid and poor digestion, and imbalanced hormones). Nutritional Therapy addresses the foundations of health, like digestion, so that you can naturally heal from chronic symptoms. The best part is that healing at a foundational level does not come with yucky side effects!

2. Nutritional therapy teaches you how to fill your plate

What you eat every day is going to support wellness or illness. As a nutritional therapist, I can teach you how to structure each meal to provide proper nutrition for the foundations of health. This looks like making conscious choices about what you put on your plate and learning what foods are “fat”, what foods are “carbs” and what foods are “protein” and how much of each of these you should be eating to fuel your body.

3. Nutritional therapy teaches you how to prepare nourishing food

Once you know what you should be eating you’re going to need to know how to prepare these foods in a proper way so that you are getting the most nutrition out of your food. We don’t just care about macronutrients, we are not looking for the perfect macronutrient ratio. We focus on food quality and preparation to supply us with nutrients. For example, this looks like learning how to soak your rice and beans before cooking, how do you prepare more nutritious cuts of meat, how to find or make fermented vegetables, and how to prepare raw dairy.

4. Nutritional therapy helps you heal your digestion so you can better absorb your food

When we are going to do all the work of choosing better foods and preparing them properly we want to make sure that our digestion is functioning optimally so that we can get those nutrients we are supplying ourselves with in order to truly heal. We use supplements for a short period of time to support digestion and the breakdown of your food so that your body can heal and continue to thrive on its own.

5. Nutritional therapy frees you from diet culture

Nutritional therapy is not a one size fits all diet. The goal is to support you and your unique individual biology. Sometimes this may look like using a more strict healing diet for a short period of time but in the end, this will look like you following your intuition and gaining food freedom conquering cravings, and being able to eat healthy foods without needing a strict set of rules. No more yo-yo dieting. You’ll be equipped to always make the right food decisions for yourself and can continue to support your body and your health all through life.

We all eat food on a routine basis. That food has the ability to harm you or heal you. The food you put in your body can either be the nutritional fuel for your body to heal itself or it can be destructive junk that causes more sickness. Having a nutritional therapist as a part of your health care team will give you the confidence that what you are eating every day is putting you on the path to health!

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